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How is the performance of the third-generation LED lamp holder

How is the performance of the third-generation LED lamp holder

 After continuous technical iteration and update, the LED lamp holder has now developed to the third generation. At present, many customers and friends still want to know more about the product performance of the third-generation LED lamp holder. Below, let's follow the professional manufacturers to learn more about it.As one of the third-generation light sources, the performance indicators of LEDs include the optical and electrical parameters of electric light sources. The electrical parame


High pole lamp manufacturers explain why their products are so competitive

High pole lamp manufacturers explain why their products are so competitive

 After the appearance of this product, the high pole lamp has a significant improvement effect on the lighting of many places. And this stems from its own product characteristics. Below, professional manufacturers of high-pole lights will introduce to us why high-pole lights have such a strong competitiveness, let's learn about it together.1. High power and high luminous efficiency: The high-power LED flood light has a high power plan of 360W, so that the high pole light has a better lightin


High pole lamp manufacturers introduce how to reduce the cost of later use

High pole lamp manufacturers introduce how to reduce the cost of later use

As we all know, many products have a later use cost after they are purchased, and high pole lights are a typical one. If you want to reduce the cost of later use, it is not impossible. Below, professional high-pole lamp manufacturers give us a detailed introduction, come and have a specific understanding.It is understandable to say that the lifting system of the high pole lamp is the central part of all accessories, because it is really important. For example, a set of 30-meter high pole lamps,


The power parameters of the fluorescent lamp LED lamp holder during the use process

The power parameters of the fluorescent lamp LED lamp holder during the use process

In the daily use process of fluorescent lamp LED lamp holder, there is a very important parameter, that is its power. For this parameter, many friends are not very clear. Below, we can take a look at the introduction given by professional manufacturers, I believe you will be able to understand clearly.The voltage and current of the fluorescent lamp LED lamp holder after rectification are not sine waves, and although the voltage before rectification is a sine wave, the current is not a sine wave.


What are the advantages of high pole lights

What are the advantages of high pole lights

 The attention of this product of high pole lamp is very high, and we can usually see it in various cities. So, what are the advantages of high-pole lights? Let's take a look at the detailed introduction given by the manufacturers of high-pole lights. Let's take a look at the details below. High pole lamp belongs to a kind of lamp type among street lamps. The reason why it is called high pole lamp is because its height is usually above 15 meters, which is much higher than other conventio


How to avoid electric shock when using LED lamp holder

How to avoid electric shock when using LED lamp holder

 Because the LED lamp cap is subject to overcurrent, it is natural to avoid electric shock during use. So, how can we avoid electric shock? In the following, professional manufacturers provide us with a few suggestions, come and take a look.The structural design of the self-ballasted electrodeless fluorescent lamp should ensure that, without any auxiliary housing in the shape of a lamp, when the lamp is screwed into a lamp holder that meets the rules of GB 17935, it cannot touch the metal parts


How to avoid electric shock when using LED lamp holder

How to avoid electric shock when using LED lamp holder

 Because the LED lamp cap is subject to overcurrent, it is natural to avoid electric shock during use. So, how can we avoid electric shock? In the following, professional manufacturers provide us with a few suggestions, come and take a look.The structural design of the self-ballasted electrodeless fluorescent lamp should ensure that, without any auxiliary housing in the shape of a lamp, when the lamp is screwed into a lamp holder that meets the rules of GB 17935, it cannot touch the metal parts


What are the specifications of high pole lights?

What are the specifications of high pole lights?

 High pole lamp generally refers to a new type of lighting equipment composed of a steel cone light pole above 15 meters and a high-power combined lamp structure. It is composed of lamp holder, internal lamp electrical, pole body and base part. The shape of the lamp holder can be determined according to user requirements, surrounding environment, and lighting requirements; the internal lamps are mostly composed of floodlights and floodlights. The light source is NG400 high-pressure sodium lamp w


electrical strength of the LED lamp holder

electrical strength of the LED lamp holder

 As an electrical product, LED lamp holders are naturally inseparable from the two indexes of insulation resistance and electric strength. If the relevant index requirements are not met, some problems will inevitably occur when the product is used. So, what are the requirements for the insulation resistance and electrical strength of the LED lamp holder? Let's take a look at the introduction given below.  From the perspective of electrical classification, LED lamp holders belong to Class II


High pole lamp manufacturers explain product accessories in detail

High pole lamp manufacturers explain product accessories in detail

Many friends think that the high-pole lamp has only one pole body and lamp cap, but in fact, there are many accessories for the high-pole lamp. Next, the professional high-pole lamp manufacturer gave us a detailed introduction to the high-pole lamp product accessories. Let's come together Let's learn more about it.1. The electric lifting system is composed of an electric motor, a hoist, three groups of hot-dip galvanized steel wire ropes and cables.  2. The functionality is mainly frame


Common structural problems of LED lamp holders

Common structural problems of LED lamp holders

The LED lamp holder looks very simple, but it still has many details that need attention, such as its structure, if it is unreasonable, it is prone to some failures or even fire. Below, let‘s follow the professional manufacturers to understand some common structural problems of LED lamp holders.LED lamp caps are prone to problems in three places: lamp caps, screws, basic car lamp cap insulation and touches of accessible metal parts. The lamp holder needs to meet the torque test of the GB187


High pole lamp manufacturers explain why to do hot-dip galvanizing

High pole lamp manufacturers explain why to do hot-dip galvanizing

Because the poles of high pole lights meet the high-weight solar panels, high-torque wind, and even some engineering needs to place heavy batteries on the poles, if there is a problem with the pole, then it may constitute a pole. The twisting or breaking or even hurting industry and personnel. The hot-dip galvanizing can effectively ensure that the light pole is not corroded, ensure the normal strength of the light pole for up to 25 years, and effectively maintain the various components it carri


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