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What is the quality of the fans used in the LED lighting industry?

time:2021-11-09 Views:23

  1. Noise. You can hear it as soon as you turn on the computer. If you have this sound when the light is turned on, it is probably not happy, and the use environment of the lamp is unlikely to be better than the computer. Dust brings resistance and increases power consumption, but also makes the fan short-lived.

  2. Energy consumption. LED lighting talks about energy saving. Although some small fans are only a few W, they are consumed with lights for a long time, which increases energy consumption for no reason.


  3. Lifespan. One of the characteristics of LED lighting is longevity, and ordinary fans such as the cooling fans used on computer motherboards usually cannot achieve such a long life. Even if there may be high-quality long-life models, apart from the price, there are the following a few questions.

  4. Safety. When the cooling fan of the computer is not good or damaged, the CPU cannot dissipate heat, which will cause the computer to blue screen and restart. The main result is a self-protection after detection, but it is not convenient to do this on the LED lamp, and it cannot be connected. The light restarts from time to time, and it is not acceptable to not turn on.In the worst case, the fan is short-circuited and the circuit is burned.

  However, the use of fans is also a route that has to be considered. It is just that what kind of fan to choose is an important event, no less than the choice of LED light source. Now the main choice is a magnetic induction fan, which is said to be a fan. The tympanic membrane of the cardiac pacemaker only needs to pass a very small current to achieve agitating work, allowing air to achieve small convection in the radiator, which can greatly reduce the temperature and use a smaller radiator, and the lamp has become smaller. , Beautiful. Due to the use of non-mechanical advanced magnetic induction technology, there are no noise and life problems.


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