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What is the difference between the installation cost of 6-meter solar street lights and ordinary str

time:2021-08-16 Views:21

Customers and friends who are familiar with street lamp products know that 6-meter solar street lamps are quite different from ordinary street lamps, both in terms of material and actual use. So, what is the difference in installation cost between 6-meter solar street lights and ordinary street lights? Let's take a look at the introduction below.

  1. The cost of the LED lamp holders and poles of the two systems is roughly the same, and the main difference lies in the solar panels. Generally, the power of solar panels is about 3 times the power of LED lamps. If the LED is 100 watts, a 300 watt solar panel is required. Now the price of solar panels has been reduced to 23 yuan per watt, and 300 watts is 6,900 yuan. In addition, the solar street lamp system also needs a battery, but its cost is equivalent to the cost of a switching power supply in AC power supply. So the two can be offset, the main difference in the cost of the lamp itself is the solar panel.

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  2. The biggest expense for the first installation of AC-powered LED street lights is the laying of cables. Most people think that the first thing is the cost of the cable itself, but in addition to the cable itself, its laying, auxiliary equipment (check wells, power distribution equipment), etc., are much more expensive than the cable itself. Now suppose that taking a 10 kilometers long distance as an example, every 30 meters, placed on the opposite side, a total of 666 LED street lights are required. If solar street lights are used, the cost can be recovered within five years and 450,000 yuan can be saved. Later, the annual electricity bill will be able to save 1.25 million yuan.

   Compared with ordinary street lights, the cost of 6-meter solar street lights is naturally higher, but the overall lighting effect is still better than LED solar street lights. If you want to buy this product or want to know more about it, please feel free to inquire our company, our company will give you a satisfactory answer.


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