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Types of street lights

time:2021-04-29 Views:182


1. According to the height of street lights: high pole lights, middle pole lights, road lights, courtyard lights, lawn lights, underground lights;


2. According to the material of street lamp pole: hot-dip galvanized iron street lamp, hot-dip galvanized steel street lamp and stainless steel street lamp;


3. According to the street light source: sodium lamp street lamp, LED street lamp, energy-saving street lamp, new Suoming xenon street lamp.


4. Divided by shape: Chinese lamp, antique lamp, landscape lamp, single-arm street lamp, double-arm street lamp.


5. According to the power supply mode: city circuit lights, solar street lights, wind and solar hybrid street lights


              Compared with traditional high-pressure sodium lamps, what are the significant advantages of LED street lamps?


                        1. Long life advantage:


                        2. Energy efficiency advantages:


                        3. Advantages of low light attenuation:


The light decay of street lamps is small, less than 3% in one year, and still meets the lighting requirements for road use in the year of use, while high-pressure sodium lamps have large decay, which has dropped by more than 30% in about one year. Therefore, the design of street lamps can be used Lower than high-pressure sodium lamps.


                        4. Color rendering advantages:


                        5. Advantages of easy light distribution:


The street lamp can easily and conveniently realize the control of the light spot through the secondary optics. The glare is small and the utilization rate is high. The light spot of the high pressure sodium lamp is irregularly diffused, and the brightness gap between the center and the edge of the spot is large, and the effective utilization rate of light is low. Light pollution is serious.


                        6. Advantages of easy control:


The traditional sodium lamp has a long start-up time and cannot realize brightness adjustment, while street lamps can be started instantly and brightness can be adjusted. The energy-saving device can be automatically controlled to achieve the greatest possible reduction in power while meeting the lighting requirements at different times, and further save energy.


                        7. Environmental protection advantages:


The high-pressure sodium lamp light source itself is fragile, and the light source contains harmful substances such as mercury, which can easily cause secondary pollution to the environment; while the street lamp is lead-free, mercury-free, non-infrared, non-ultraviolet, and environmentally friendly.


                        8. Advantages of high power factor:


Combining with what just said, compared with traditional high-pressure sodium lamps, high-power street lamps have obvious advantages in all aspects, especially energy saving, with an energy-saving rate of more than 60%; maintenance costs are significantly reduced, and green and environmentally friendly, they have become the best choice for road lighting.


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