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The development of organic photodiodes can be expected in the future

time:2021-11-03 Views:29

 Photodiodes are popular optical components in many fields. Since the advent of organic photodiodes, the components have attracted much attention, and the future development of such components can be expected. Next, let's discuss this kind of components with the editor.

   Organic photodetector devices are widely used in non-contact sensing, biometric imaging and ionizing radiation detection with their adjustable spectral response, large area flexibility and simple technology. Among these sensors, organic photodiodes are popular for their adjustable photosensitive wavelength, wide linear dynamic range and high sensitivity.


For high-sensitivity organic photodiode detectors, noise equivalent power and specific detection rate are important indicators to measure the ability of the detector to detect weak signals, but the accurate measurement of the two still faces great challenges, which severely restricts the technology Development and application.

An organic photodiode detection device based on P3HT:ICBA was prepared by the low-temperature solution method. The device measured the relationship between the SNR and the optical power in the visible light range, and obtained the precise values of NEP and D*. In addition to the response time, It also shows that its ability to detect weak light is comparable to silicon-based photodetectors. The application of organic photodetectors to the preparation of high-noise, low-power PPG sensors has shown its great potential in biological monitoring and biomedical imaging.


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