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The development of led display P10

time:2021-03-26 Views:138

LED electronic device display screens are developing at a very fast rate to smaller spacing. Indoor small-pitch LED displays have already come to the P0.X period, and outdoor LED small-pitch has also come to the P2.X period. Compared with outdoor led displays The rate of development is relatively slow, but it has been developing, and the product specifications of outdoor display screens are constantly being updated.


Nowadays, the large spacing of outdoor display screens has already started with P10. Many customers are worried about whether the led display screen P10 will be eliminated, and will it appear that they cannot find spare parts after not long after the production is completed? United Huiye Technology's answer to us is that the led display P10 will not be eliminated. This key is analyzed from the following multiple levels:

led display


1 Looking at the development of the sales market: Outdoor LED displays are generally relatively large in total area when they are made. In large-scale outdoor display applications, P10 outdoor LED displays are still selected by many people due to their extremely high cost performance. There is still a certain sales market, and there needs to be some reason to exist, and even if there are reasons for existence, then there must be existence.


2 Product development: There are two reasons for the relatively slow development rate of outdoor small-pitch LED displays, one is technical, and the other is cost. Outdoor led display must not only consider the outdoor natural environment application of the led luminous tube, but also must have strong safety protection work ability, which has made the development of outdoor led display very difficult. The second is the shocking cost and the shocking price. Many people are intimidated. In that way, the display manufacturer is unwilling to spend huge research and development expenditures on product development.


This is why the development of outdoor LED full-color screens at the level of small spacing lags behind indoor LED full-color screens. From above, it can be seen that the LED display P10 is not easy to be eliminated in the past three to five years.


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