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Reasons and solutions for dissatisfaction with the large led screen

time:2021-09-25 Views:29

Many users have performed good debugging when installing the monitor, but when using or in a meeting, various situations often occur. Among them, the dissatisfaction of the large LED screen will make many small whites who have not touched the large LED screen a headache. , While in use or in a meeting, many small whiteboards that are not in contact with the large led screen will appear. What is the situation displayed on the screen?

Reasons and solutions for dissatisfaction with the large led screen:

1. Solve the problem.

As long as you increase the resolution a bit, you can display it in full screen. First click on a blank place on the desktop, and then right click on the screen resolution setting. By adjusting the screen's better resolution.


2. Graphics card driver problem.

LED large-screen graphics card does not have a graphics card driver or there is a problem with the driver, which will also cause the computer screen to not be able to display in full screen. The specific operation is to install the driver or driver wizard after downloading, and update the graphics card driver.

3. The screen has black borders and dissatisfaction with the screen. See if you use professional players, such as pictures and videos. When we play with the computer's own playback software, there must be a border. If you want to eliminate the border, you must use a frameless player. There are several players that can eliminate the frame (vmix, P1 experience version, Apple system PVP), these are free and easy to operate.

4. If you are using a professional player and there are black borders, it depends on whether the output resolution of the player is in the best state, usually 2k output is 1920*1080 resolution, and see if there is any change. Second, see if the input and output resolution of the processor is adjusted to the appropriate parameters, it may also be the cause of the black border.

5. If you play ppt on a large led screen, we can adjust the ratio of PPT to achieve a full screen state. Usually our full-screen playback ratio is 16:9. All PPT design ratios can reach this ratio. If it is a square screen, 16:9 will be deformed. If it is not this ratio, the full screen will not be reached. It is time to adjust with the help of the processor.


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