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In which areas are infrared receiver tubes used

time:2021-11-08 Views:26

 Infrared receiving tube plays an important role in people's lives, because it makes people's lives more intelligent. It can convert optical signals into electrical signals, receive, amplify, and demodulate. So in which fields is this component used?

   1. Working principle

After the infrared signal is mediated by the receiving tube, the difference between data 0 and 1 will be reflected in the length of time between high and low levels, or in the signal cycle. When the microcontroller is decoded, the output pin of the receiving head is usually connected to the external interrupt of the microcontroller. , Combined with the timer to determine the time of the external interrupt interval to obtain data.


   2. Work characteristics

   Infrared receiver tube has the characteristics of fast response speed and high sensitivity, and the structure is relatively small and environmentally friendly. In simple terms, it packs a high-speed and high-sensitivity light-emitting point diode in a standard plastic tube.

  3. Application field

   Infrared receiver tube has a wide range of applications, such as automatic door sensors, copiers, game consoles, infrared related products, and current vehicle wipers, signal-receiving equipment, etc. also have its credit.

   For most companies, the purchase of infrared receiver tubes must pay attention to quality, because its quality directly affects the quality of the overall electrical appliances. Nowadays, there are many manufacturers of this type of components. You must pay attention to the strength of the manufacturers when choosing.


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