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How to distinguish the quality of the infrared receiver

time:2021-11-08 Views:16

  Most electrical appliances are used very frequently, and the infrared receiver will inevitably be damaged if it is used for a long time. After it is damaged, it must be replaced to ensure the normal use of the electrical appliances. So there are many such components on the market, how to distinguish the quality?


  It is actually very simple to distinguish the quality of the infrared receiver. First, check the workmanship of the product. The workmanship of the product should be very fine, without any flaws, the quality of the raw materials used should be better, and the appearance should be brand new. Second, use a multimeter to detect. Connect the receiving head to a voltage of 5V, connect the output end to a multimeter, press any key of the remote control, and aim at the receiver. The pointer of the multimeter should swing at a voltage between 3-4.5V, which is good. Third, detect the pins of the receiving head. There are three receiver pins, namely grounding, power supply, and signal output. The grounding is basically the same as the shielding shell. The grounding is first, and then the other two are connected. The remote control is effective for booting, and the pins can be judged well. The quality is so.

Of course, for the purchase of large electrical appliance companies, it is impossible for the purchaser to test with a multimeter. They all pay attention to the reputation and strength of the manufacturer. The manufacturer’s reputation and strength are good, the quality of the product is guaranteed, and it can be supplied in a timely manner. Goods, to ensure the use of electrical companies.


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