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How does the led display achieve high-definition effects?

time:2021-04-12 Views:274

No one thought that after many years of development, LED, a colorful light-emitting diode, its commercial value is getting higher and higher, and LED displays are becoming more and more high-definition, becoming a lot of commercial display businesses. The pursuit. How does the led display achieve high-definition effect? Let's understand together.


   Contrast is one of the key factors that affect the visual effect. Generally speaking, the higher the contrast, the clearer the image and the brighter the color. High contrast is very helpful for image clarity, detail performance, and gray level performance. In some text and video displays with large black-and-white contrast, high-contrast full-color LED displays have advantages in black-and-white contrast, clarity, and integrity. Contrast has a greater impact on the dynamic video display effect. Because the light-dark transition in the dynamic image is faster, the higher the contrast, the easier it is for human eyes to distinguish such a conversion process.


The gray level refers to the brightness level that can be distinguished from the darkest to the brightest in the single primary color of the full-color LED display. The higher the gray level of the full-color LED display, the richer the color and the brighter the color; vice versa , The display color is single, and the change is simple. The increase of the gray level can greatly increase the color depth, making the display level of the image color increase geometrically. The LED gray scale control level is 14bit~16bit, making the image level resolution details and display effects of high-end display products reach the world's advanced level. With the development of hardware technology, LED gray scale will continue to develop to higher control accuracy.



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