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How do high pole lamp manufacturers do lightning protection measures

time:2021-08-10 Views:22

   High pole lights are particularly vulnerable to lightning strikes due to their product characteristics. Therefore, lightning protection measures are particularly important. So, how do high-pole lamp manufacturers take lightning protection measures? Let's take a look at the following three points.

  1. Combination of external lightning protection and internal lightning protection: Now the outer conductor material of conventional street lamp poles is selected, which is the same as the lightning rod itself. It is necessary to set down conductors and grounding nets in the design to form an external lightning protection system. This system can prevent life safety accidents caused by street lamp fires and direct lightning strikes. The so-called internal lightning protection system refers to a system in which the street lights are grounded internally to maintain the equipment in the form of maintaining voltage.


2. Lightning protection equipotential bonding: In order to completely solve the destructive potential difference caused by lightning strikes, it is necessary to connect the power line, signal line, metal tube, etc. with the overvoltage protector, and perform partial equipotential bonding at the interface of each inner protection zone. And part of the equipotential connection parts are connected to each other and combined with the total equipotential.

   3. Lightning protection zone setting: In addition to power supply equipment, a number of communication equipment is now set up to control the switch and brightness of street lights. These equipment and power supplies must be equipped with a lightning protection zone, and the maintenance zone is directly shielded by a shell.


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