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High pole lamp manufacturers explain in detail how to match high pole lamp accessories

time:2021-08-04 Views:20

Although the main function of the high pole lamp is to illuminate, if it is matched with some accessories, it can take into account the lighting and have a more beautiful effect. So, how should it be matched? Let's take a look at the professional recommendations given by the high-pole lamp manufacturers.

1. Feature distribution

High-pole lighting manufacturers’ high-pole lighting is more of a day-to-day display, and the lighting should be seamless with the overall planning characteristics of the yard, or old-fashioned, or new, or retro, or rural, or urban romantic, and the appearance of the lighting should be selected. Pay attention to the common characteristics.

  2, color distribution

  In addition to the appearance and style, the color of the LED high-pole lamps of high-pole lamp manufacturers must be in line with the overall plan of the yard, and take care of each other. The color is mainly expressed as the light effect when the lights are turned on at night. At this time, generally choose the same light color lamps to let people enjoy the charm of the lights.

  Through the detailed introduction given by the high pole lamp manufacturer, we will be able to understand more clearly how to match. If you want to purchase high-quality, cost-effective high-pole lamp products, please inquire, you will not regret it.



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