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Factors leading to the result of salt spray test of led lamp beads

time:2021-10-14 Views:31

 The harm of salt spray corrosion of LED lamp beads The salt spray corrosion of LED lamp beads will damage the metal protective layer, make it lose its decorativeness and reduce its mechanical strength. Some LED lamp bead electrical circuits are interrupted due to corrosion, especially in an environment with vibration.

Factors affecting the results of the salt spray test of the LED lamp beads. When the salt spray of the LED lamp beads falls on the surface of the insulator, the surface resistance will be reduced; after the insulator absorbs the salt solution, its volume resistance will be reduced by four orders of magnitude; the mechanical parts or moving parts Due to the corrosion of the movable parts, the friction force is increased and the moving parts are stuck.

   LED lamp beads salt spray corrosion mechanism

The corrosion of metal materials by the salt spray of LED lamp beads is mainly caused by the electrochemical reaction of the conductive salt solution penetrating into the metal, forming a "low potential metal-electrolyte solution-high potential impurity" micro battery system, electron transfer occurs, and the metal is used as the anode. Dissolution occurs, forming new compounds, namely corrosives.

   LED lamp bead metal protective layer and organic material protective layer are also the same. When the salt solution as the electrolyte penetrates into the interior, it will form a micro battery with metal as the electrode and metal protective layer or organic material as the other electrode.

  The factors that affect the results of the salt spray test of the LED lamp beads are chloride ions that play a major role in the corrosion damage process of the LED lamp beads. It has a strong penetrating power, easily penetrates the metal oxide layer into the metal, and destroys the passivation of the metal. At the same time, chloride ions have very small hydration energy and are easily adsorbed on the surface of the metal, replacing the oxygen in the oxide layer that protects the metal, and destroying the metal. In addition to chloride ions, the salt spray corrosion mechanism of LED lamp beads is also affected by the oxygen dissolved in the salt solution (essentially the salt liquid film dissolved on the surface of the sample). Oxygen can cause the depolarization process of the metal surface and accelerate the dissolution of anode metal. Due to the continuous spraying during the salt spray test, the salt liquid film that continuously settles on the surface of the sample keeps the oxygen content close to saturation. Factors that affect the results of the salt spray test of LED lamp beads The formation of corrosion products of LED lamp beads expands the volume of the salt solution that penetrates into the metal defect, thereby increasing the internal stress of the metal, causing stress corrosion, and causing the protective layer to bulge.


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