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Explain what a high pole light is?

time:2021-05-24 Views:313


The difference between the middle pole light and the high pole light is mainly reflected in two aspects. The first is the height. The height of the middle pole light is between 13 meters and 16 meters, and the height of the high pole light is between 18 meters and 40 meters; the maintenance is different. If there is a problem with the light source and electrical appliances of the middle pole light, maintenance personnel need to go to the top of the pole for repair, and the light panel of the high pole light can be raised and lowered, so if the light has a problem, the light panel can be lowered to the ground for maintenance.


The middle pole light and the high pole light are almost the same on the surface, and the pole bodies are plugged in to meet the height requirements. The structure of the light panel is mostly circular, and both of the light source configurations use high-pressure sodium lights and metal halide lights as lighting fixtures. Although these two poles are similar in height, there is a big difference in price. For example, the 16-meter middle pole light and the 18-meter high pole light, with the same configuration, have a very different price. Therefore, we know that the high-pole light is expensive in the lifting system. Although the cost of a lifting system does not seem to be high, the internal design structure of the light pole with the lifting system is much more complicated than that of the ordinary light pole. This is also the fundamental reason why high pole lights are expensive.


Although the price of the two poles with the same configuration is very different, the high pole light still has considerable market demand, because the high pole light is a one-time investment.In the future, no matter what problems occur with the light source electrical appliances, there is no need to use any engineering vehicles, just lower the light holder through the lifting system.


Those who are involved in the project know that it is expensive to use the lifting crane, so that the maintenance cost alone is not a small expense in the long-term calculation. Therefore, if the funds are not very tight, we should recommend to choose a high pole lamp, which is not only convenient for later maintenance but also does not have any danger of working at heigh.


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