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Comparison of characteristics and performance of various types of light sensors

time:2021-12-14 Views:21

 1. Features of photoresistor type:

  The internal photoelectric effect has nothing to do with the electrode (the photodiode is related), that is, DC power can be used; the sensitivity is related to the semiconductor material and the wavelength of the incident light; it exists in the form of a photoresistor, and the resistance of the resistor is very high when no light is received. When there is light stimulation, the resistance value decreases with the change of light intensity; epoxy resin encapsulation has high reliability, small size, high sensitivity, fast response speed, and good spectral characteristics.


   2. Type characteristics of photodiode (photodiode):

High sensitivity, can reduce the influence of stray light; photodiode (photodiode) is a photoelectric conversion device, which can convert the received light into current changes; the working mode of photodiode (photodiode) is to increase the reverse voltage or not increase Two states of voltage. When a reverse bias is applied to it, the reverse current in the tube will change with the light intensity. The greater the light intensity, the greater the reverse current.

   3. Performance comparison between the two

The photoresistor is greatly affected by temperature; the response speed is not fast, between ms and s, the delay time is affected by the incident light intensity; the photodiode (photodiode) has no such shortcomings, and the sensitivity of the photodiode (photodiode) is higher than that of the photoresistor ; The photoresistor is a consumable. The photodiode (photodiode) responds differently to the irradiated light. It has the strongest response in a certain range of light waves, but it does not respond well to other light waves. It appears that the magnitude of the reverse current is different.


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