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Are integrated street lights better than ordinary street lights

time:2021-08-12 Views:22

Are integrated street lights better than ordinary street lights? This is a question that many friends have. It is indeed more functional than ordinary street lights. Then, specifically, what is the difference between the two of them? Let's compare and understand.

1. Installation comparison

   When installing the integrated street lamp, there is no need to set up additional messy lines, only a cement base and a battery pit within 1m, which can be fixed with galvanized bolts.

   There are messy operating procedures in the construction of the city's circuit lights. First of all, it is necessary to install cables, dig trenches and pipes, thread inside the pipes, backfill and many other civil constructions, which consume a lot of manpower, material and financial resources. Afterwards, debugging is required. Once a problem occurs, it will cost a lot.


  2, cost comparison

   One-time investment and long-term benefits for integrated street lamps, because the circuit is simple, does not incur protection costs, and does not incur expensive electricity bills. The cost will be recovered in 6-7 years, and more than 1 million electricity and protection costs will be saved in the next 3-4 years.

   The electricity bill of the city's circuit lights is high, and the lines are messy, and the lines need to be overhauled for a long time without interruption. Especially in the case of unstable voltage, it is inevitable that the sodium lamp is fragile, and with the extension of the life, the aging of the line and the maintenance cost will increase year by year.

  3, safety comparison

  The integrated street lamp uses 12-24V low voltage, stable voltage, reliable operation, and no safety hazard. It is an ideal product for ecological communities and road administration departments.

   The safety of electric circuit lights in the city is very dangerous. People's living environment is constantly changing. Road reconstruction, construction of scenic projects, abnormal power supply, and cross construction of water and gas pipelines bring many dangers.

   4. Environmental protection comparison

  Integrated street lights can add new selling points to the development and promotion of high-level ecological communities; sustainably reduce property management costs, and reduce the cost of the public share of the owners. To sum up, the inherent characteristics of solar lighting, such as safety, no danger, energy saving, no cost, environmental protection, simple installation, and automatic control without protection, will directly bring obvious advantages for real estate sales and municipal engineering construction.

  5, lifespan comparison

The lifespan of integrated street lamps is much higher than that of ordinary electric lamps, such as the main component of integrated street lamps-the service life of solar cell modules is 25 years; the average life of low-pressure sodium lamps is 18,000 hours; low-voltage and high-efficiency The average lifespan of tri-color energy-saving lamps is 6000 hours; the average lifespan of super bright LEDs is more than 50,000 hours; the lifespan of special solar batteries is 2-5 years below 38AH; 3-7 years from 38-150AH. In accordance with the usual practice, the community is in accordance with the local price bureau's one-time charging of street lamp protection fee of 6 yuan/ based on the pure residential building area, which makes the initial investment for ordinary lamps and lanterns much higher than the initial investment for integrated street lights. In a word, it is quite obvious that the integrated street lamp has the characteristics of saving investment in a comprehensive comparison.

So, on the whole, in fact, integrated street lights are actually more cost-effective. If you want to purchase this product, you can always call Yangzhou Duliang Lighting Co., Ltd. As a professional manufacturer, the product quality is absolutely guaranteed You are satisfied.


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